Reply to willwingo:
D e l e t e d
If you call, the phone will be answered by a volunteer board member, if they are on another call, your call will be returned as have many, many calls that members have made.
I have just re-sent you the email newsletter, if the email address you have on file with us is correct, you should have it.
My response isn't nasty, just factual. It seems that most of your posts are primarily aimed at taking a jab at the operations of the Club, and usually, based on partial information. The newsletter is a good example, there is no other page to open, it is not a replacement for the website or the magazine, just another club service that some volunteers have taken the time to put together and get out to everyone.
My original request for feedback is to gather information about the content and whether it is relevant and what members would like to see in something like this. There has been limited, but thoughtful responses that will be taken into account.
This Club operates 100% on volunteer effort other than a few services we hire such as website maintenance and magazine publishing. Even in those two cases there is a lot of time invested by volunteers. I'm cool with constructive critique, it helps us get better.
There is no other Caterpillar club that comes close to offering what ACMOC does to its members, and we continue to work to make it even better.