Thanks again OM for keeping all of us abreast of "the Group" latest information dump! Now it appears they will allow a provisional ballot via phone, email or pony express. What kind of drivel will they bombard us with next? It is humorous to see supposedly adults behave in such a way.
Hi, Old Magnet.
Thanks for the link to their latest endeavors - interesting, even if ILL-egal.
My understanding is that for there to be a recall of the BoD, there has to be a petition signed by at least 5% of the current financial members of the club. Once that petition has been achieved, it must be presented to the BoD. It then becomes the duty of the board to organize a general membership vote on the petition. If the petition is carried, there is then to be nominations called for a new board and a vote to be held on those nominations.
(Or something close to that.)
This effort falls justa teenzy, weenzy, itty bit shorta that.
So, if their votes 'result' in a 'recall of the current BoD', what are they then gonna do - maybe all turn up at Mary's home on Monday to take over 'the office'?
A kew-ree-yuss mind would like to know.
Just my 0.02,
Hi, Folks.
It appears that about 320 of the current financial members - a bit OVER 1 in 7 of all the members - live DowNunda, in either Australia or New Zealand, with a couple in 'Seff Efrica' as well.
HOW does this group of 'concerned members' plan on giving THEM a say in the future of the club??????????
A kew-ree-yuss mind would like to know.
Oh, SORRY!!!! I forgot. This isn't about being fair to ALL members. It'z ONLY about getting back control of 'their' club.
Just my 0.02.
I'm on the page where the meeting is supposed to be held but see no link for the meeting, and it's after 1000. Am I missing something?
I just realized Morton, IL is in Central time and I'm Eastern time, so I'm an hour early.
Everyone has a perspective, that I am sure we can all agree on.Â
I agree Kurt
This reminds me of what happened with the California Grange, (and I have seen it in some other organizations) . A group tried to seize the California Grange in a similar takeover, with the excuse that the Grange leadership and direction was not what they thought was best, there was a lot more at stake, financially, lots of properties and many more members. It took several years to straighten out, many court battles and appeals by the perps, in the end, the attempt at takeover failed completely and those who did it, not only had to return all funds, properties etc, and were also financially liable for costs incurred. Fortunately the Grange that I am associated with, had nothing to do with the coup/ insurrection, and just got to watch the process play out.