The ship carrying the expedition members and equipment for the first winter crossing of Antarctica left London last week, photographs of the two D6N Tractors specifically modified for the journey by Finning UK Limited are available on Flickr via the link below.
For further information on the objective of the expedition, its team members and sponsors please check out the following website:
David & James Wills, Ex-Chapter 2
1948 D6 9U
1963 D6B 44A
1970 951A 63K
1940's Le Tourneau S3 Rooter
I forgot to thank Finning UK Limited for kindly making the photographs available for sharing.
Well wish them alot of luck with a winter trip to the pole. And they will need it.
Hope history doesn,t repeat with captain scott. Will need some really mentally fit people to survive a winter, making there own track there. Along with ultra reliable equipment. So hope theyve got the electrics sorted out or better still removed. Personally would have had alot more faith in a gear drive D6D or D5B to go there. Or the 'king of obsoletes' D6 9U.
Be a interesting story to follow. Along with the D6Ns reliability. as there lives will depend on it.
Have been to Mcmurdo, and the pole. Personally know its alot more fun there this time of the year, than in winter. 24 hours daylight is much better than 24 hours of darkness and unbelievable cold.