That job had to smell some! Thanks for sharing Ray. JM
Hi, Ray54.
Good video - thanks for sharing. There izza reason why you don't see them around any more. The compaction was pretty RS when compared with a more modern trash compactor. Mind you, the Drott 4-in-1 bucket in knowing hands is wunna the most useful tools you can have around a construction site. Even though they are on tracks, fill that bucket with dirt and they will compact by track rolling pretty well too.
Just my 0.02.
Yes a lot of cornbinder salesmanship in that, but that is what it was made for. But I now know what a bull clam bucket blade is, if I ever see one in the wild. Some on Red Power eluded to the blade being before the 4 in one bucket, but still guessing which came first.
Fast way to wear out idlers, bottom rollers and rails. Like carrying a heavy "U" blade around.