Reply to old-iron-habit:
Thanks Willie for serving on the club Board of Directors. I sincerly appreciate yours and all the board members dedication and time.
Now that Willie has been termed out and Garlic Pete has been termed out, we have no West Coast (not down under) directors. I know that this is what prompted me and others on the Left Coast to convince Willie and Pete to seek to serve as Directors 6-7 years ago. I guess we are in the same boat again. It looks like our Westerly most Directors are Illinois and Minnesota now. Surely there have to be guys and gals in Ca, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, and some of the westerly plains states that would like to serve ACMOC.
I believe there is an open seat and I think Jan Meermans would be a great Director as he is dedicated, smart and loves and bleeds Highway Yellow. If Jan cannot serve perhaps Pete or Willie can be appointed for the short term until we motivate some West Coast or Mountain States folks to step up.
As this came up 6-7 years ago when several requested that I serve ACMOC as a Director, I have a simple answer. I cannot dedicate the time to both the Best of the West Santa Margarita Show and to the ACMOC Board and Santa Margarita needs me more than ACMOC needs me as ACMOC has 9-10 Directors and paid staff. We have neither. I have been asked to serve on ACMOC many times over the last 15 years or so and my service to the Club comes in the form of putting on Cat, Holt and Best shows in California.
Please folks consider putting your name out there and serving ACMOC as a Director.
Thank you again Willie and Pete and all of you ACMOC Directors for representing us well.
Tom Madden