Reply to gauntjoh:
Hi Farrier,
You are correct, there is little content in that section of the forum. It has been “work in progress” for several years and not at all successful.
We are intending to create a new area in the members only section of the website for technical information, starting with some “legacy manuals”. Hopefully this should appear early next year and will be accessible to all financial members of ACMOC.
By creating this new area in the “members only” area of the website, we can deliver more “member specific” benefits to encourage more people to support the club by joining ACMOC.
A great deal of effort was was expended to categorize and organize a system that would accommodate and store the extensive amount of information. Acquiring and storing this information is not the problem, copies of manuals and service bulletins are easily obtained but organizing it into a logical retrievable system is the challenge. It's not just a case of organizing documents. The many valuable BB posts need also to be assessed and include as well. The drop down method is about the only method that will work and that's what I personally use.
The main problem, known from the start, is who is going to own the system and operate it accordingly. Unless a system of moderators and contributors is established, none of this will materialize and I don't see anyone currently willing and able to step into that task, myself included as I sure don't want to own it. Quite frankly I don't see much hope for this to happen and we have very few if any members with the expertise, knowledge and determination to get it done. Adding copies of manuals will have some use but that's just part of extracting and archiving the knowledge.