I don't have any recommendations for you other than to sell them all to me 😆
lol buy 100% diesel fuel with no blend, or if you buy blend I cut mine with kerosene.
we use flash lube diesel conditioner in our diesels. solves the lubricity problem for older engines. and yes juiceman you need to play with your toys more often.
Mr Juiceman I will try to not write a novel here but yes, in my opinion we all need to use a quality additive package for our fuel nowadays. Mandatory, no questions asked for me. You can almost eliminate DPF issues with a quality additive and now that we all have no choice but to buy the renewable diesel on the west states, I always pick one with a water dispersant which I dump in the bulk tank at the delivery. Will eliminate the condensation water, which eliminates the growth medium where algae forms.
The newer common rail diesels really benefit from the added lubricity as well. Superior wear scar prevention to old traditional 2-stroke oil, ATF, etc.
My current favorites are the Archoil products, and Schaeffer's Carbon Treat. I also occasionally run some Pittsburgh Power fuel catalyst in our DPF stuff, but I think it's not likely necessary when using the Archoil products.
Anyways, even this old stuff I treat the tanks so everything gets the additive. Due to tax breaks, we as consumers get no choice. Basically all 3 West Coast states we all get renewable diesel which isn't bad by itself, but has some extra tendencies to attract moisture, and it's extra cleaning power will break loose films in existing tanks, and potentially cause filters to dirty for awhile when changing over. Usually that problem clears up once the fuel storage tanks aren't "dirty" any longer. But that is what gave biodiesel a bad name at first around some operations at least.
Hi, juiceman.
If you cain't taykem out-n-exercise 'em more reg'lar like, maybe you should GIVE them to CrawlerAddict so that they can have a CARING home. LOL.
Just my 0.02.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I generally only take delivery of 2000 gallons at a time here, and that varies during the season. I will have to be more diligent about adding something to my bulk tanks. Generally, each machine still gets a special dose of Seafoam additive, Marvel's, or something added to the tank, plus the pony fuel if so equipped.
I ponder using the contents of a barrel of kerosene that we have tucked away in the corner for 40 some years.
Has anyone used any "Jet A"? Is it not just highly refined diesel fuel? Same about aviation fuel for starting motors, does it really make a difference?
I agree wholeheartedly about getting them all out of mothballs and giving them all a good run.
As soon as the "Play Pen" is ready, it will give me a chance to let them work some. One of my outside wrench people made the comment that my building(s) should be a tad full by now. (If he only knew).
Deas got me thinking, I just did a count of D4's here, and it wasn't pretty. I need help... Thank goodness that CrawlerAddict relieved me of a few over the course of a year. I am "down" to 15 here. My sexist thought was it is just like a woman's wardrobe... Geez, I don't know what to wear...In this case, what to drive!
I am really having a strange thought about my dad; prior to his passing he told my mother to gather up his "fleet" of D4's (which he had none) as they were scattered about throughout the state. Maybe he channeled that through me??? Creepy!
Sorry for the ramblings, but that is what happens when I have a good cup of coffee and having a great day! JM
For my ponies I use the 100 Low Lead I can get over at the small airport by my farm. Just drive over and pump a couple 5gal cans at the self serve. The care taker doesn't care since he knows I'm not running it in my pickup truck. That stuff lasts a long time if it doesn't evaporate. But if it does; there's nothing left in the tank and it dries up clean.
In a pinch; I've put the Tru-Fuel 50:1 chainsaw fuel in my pony tank when I can't find any other gas. That stuff at least puts a oil film in the tank keeping the rust down.