The kind of oil isn't critical. Anything from 5W-30 to 15W-40 will work fine. I would use whatever I was using in the main engine just for convenience sake.
What is critical is that there's enough in there and it is not diluted with gasoline. Always shut off the pony motor gas supply. I shut it down that way, never leaving gasoline in the carburetor bowl to go off and making sure the gas tank doesn't drain into the engine. There is a valve on the back side of the pony motor manifold/top cover that is supposed to drain away any gasoline that gets in there, but most of them no longer work or have been removed alltogether. At any rate, it is very common for these little engines to have bearing and rod failures because of improper lubrication. Most of these are totally avoidable with a little bit of care. Not too different from the typical lawn mower......if you keep oil in it and change it on schedule, you will get good service out of it, but we all know of folks that need a new mower every year.
well said... I had to learn this the hard way and am in the process of rebuilding my starter motor 😖mile:
I use 10w-30 in 7e starting engine for winter and 30w in summer.
I would use non detergent oil in an engine without an oil filter. This is a case of wanting the crap to settle to the bottom and not stay in suspension. I guess if you change it a lot it might not matter, but I use the straight 30 non detergent
I'd use the recommended 30wt. With the windage and that shallow sump I don't think you get any settlement with non detergent oil.
I use 10 - 30 in all of mine. I use the oil that is recommended for diesels though. It seems that when they sit awhile, a little oil comes out the exhaust. Doesn't seem to hurt anything. I use them on occasion in the winter so I dont want heavy oil in them. In the summer, it is warm enough the big engine starts pretty quick so the oil doesn't get hot. I also don't have any other need for a straight oil. Less inventory to keep on hand.
thanks for the info my next question was gonna be detergent or non detergent. don't now history of oil used in this machine and if pony has no filter I well probably go with 30 wt non ,I have it anyway for one of my model a fords . my oil looks good but smells gassy so better safe than sorry. rebuilt carb last fall and sealed tank for pony motor seems to run very nice comparing it to some u tube video's. I have watched . thje first big outing for my new toy well be the Brownsville show here in western pa in may.
could you give us the details of the Brownsville show in May - e.g. specific date and address. Western PA is close to me so I'd like to come see it.