Those interested in joining us acme folks for the big acme group spring fling are invited over to my place May 22 - 25. 15 minutes south of wichita kansas. I do request a rsvp e mail so i can have a idea of how many to plan for. I will reply to the email with details and directions. Currently we have people from california to new hampshire and texas to canada coming. If weather permits we will be digging a pond and clearing some land. Cat 10 to Cat 60 and D2 to D7 expected at this time. Room for tents and RV's to park and motels 15 mins away. This annual event has grown steadily over the past several years. Rain or shine a good time will be had. Meals will be avail on site for cash donations to cover costs. Bring your lawn chairs, your gloves and a machine {if you can} and join us for a great weekend of fun and fellowship.
E mail is kscat {at} no spaces between the words