I have had trouble with Champion plugs fowling in my Thirty. Tried new Champions and the same thing, My Thirty uses a little oil and that may be the reason. I changed to Autolite plugs and so far hanen't had any problems.
There are some companies that sell spark plug adapters and you can use 14mm plugs
One that comes to mind is the:
Richardson Engineering And Machine
P.O Box 311
New Lodthrop, Mi. 48460
Phone 989 743 9148
With these reducers you can use automotive plugs with less fowling. I am using some NGK (jap plugs) in a G John Deere that I was having problems with, so far so good.
Hope this helps..............,Claney
The first thing I'd do is dump the Champion plugs. An autolite #3076 is replacement for both the w18 & w14.
Thanks for the replies so far. Which is the hotter plug direction-lower the number or higher? Is the dry soot foul from worn valve guides or?? ( from indicators and memory, its the Champion plug-just doesn't burn hot enough no matter what you do)? Thanks again.......
For domestic plugs, the higher the number the hotter the plug. Just the opposite for imports. At the above website, find and click on "sparkplug 411" and scroll down the left hand side for everything you ever wanted to know about sparkplugs. The problem with the Champions is they either come "DOA" in the box or don't fire consistently and also have very short lives. You also need to check other functions such as timing, carb. mixtures, operating temps. etc. but if a known good running engine suddenly runs bad those Champion plugs are highly suspect.
Thanks O.M. After I posted last I went to your reference site and worked it over pretty good, then shipped into a file. Just as memory served, Champions are just as cantankerous as always and find anything else that will fit. Thanks to you Claney for that reference as well. Soooo.....back to the parts house for the Autolites for now.
If it ran fine until it ran out of gas, you might want to check to see if theres some dirt in the fuel system. It might not be a coincidence that it started running bad after it ran out of gas.
Try a Autolite 3077 it puts the fire farther in the cylinder. I have had better luck with the 3077 than the 3076
I run Champion 3077's in my gas 60,70 and 22. No fouling for 4 years and the tractors sit and idle some too. I was told that the 3077's were a little hotter. Good Luck
If the plugs don't take care of the problem, you may be having mag issues as well. I just bought an F-20 from a neighbor and close friends estate sale this past summer. While we were getting it ready for the sale the tractor would always start on the third pull. The day of the sale it took 20 minutes of cranking and swearing before the old banger took off. After I bought it, I would have to pull it to start. I got it home, went through the plug ordeal and thought I had her fixed. I tried doing a little plowing and she would start ctting out and die. After it cooled down she would fire right up. When I took the mag off I had black goo from the coil oozing through the bottom orifices. My mag repair man was less than thrilled because of the mess. I ain't got the bill on that one yet.