I thought some of you may be interested in some old cat pics. The D4 is a 7J series and is mine. The seat and blade/hydralic system aren't original/correct but right now I am more concerned with getting it running well as I want to use it to build some woods roads. The rest of the old cats are my Dad's. He has had the old red 20 for about 50 years and used it for yarding logs and it still runs well. Note the snow chains on it.It is red because the Department of Highways (who used to own it) painted them that color back then. The two old pull graders were used to grade the roads in my area and they were pulled with 20's. The old 30 & 28 will probably never run again. There are two D8 power plants, one runs and the other doesn't. The grader is an Auto Patrol #10 made in 1936(I believe) and runs. Dad used to grade a lot of roads in our area when I was a kid and he had it registered for the road. He has the proper V snow plow for it.