It's not the solid part of the idlers that help although they keep sticks logs and the like out, the main advantage is the larger diameter as it puts more track on the ground. Smaller idlers give more of a roll forward or pitch which is quite frustrating when trying to do a nice grading job. I wil lcheck on the diameter of the disk type but I think it's 24 and 1/2 inch. Charlie
Thanks Charlie! How much would I need to lengthen my tracks? About a shoe or two??
The solid idlers came in both the larger and smaller size.I had the smaller spoke idlers on my 40A D4C and replaced them with the same size solid idler after a couple of spokes cracked out.For farming I prefer the smaller idlers as they allow for easier turning but for dozer work the larger size is better in my opinion.
Don't know about adding shoes. I will check with my manuals and see if they refer to adding shoes but I don't think so. How far out are your adjusters? Maybe someone knows more about this. Charlie
I haven't seen anything about adding links with the larger idlers. The only thing I have seen was the difference between 4 and 5 roller track frames, 31 links for the 4 roller track frames and 35 (I think it was) for the 5 roller track frames.
The large diameter (25-5/8 in. O.D.) front idler requires a 32 link track group on the four roller 1 extra link is required.
Thanks Men!
The older D6,7,8&9's had idler bearing blocks with off set shaft bores so the same size idler could be mounted low for dozing or high for pulling. A detail you need to pay attention to when installing them.
Later Bob
Not to step on anyone's toes as I'm not an expert but the 9u's have a larger and smaller idlers with 40 or 39 link tracks.So do the bearing blocks also have a high and low position?