Over the holiday weekend I was back to the home place and one evening was spent going through old photos and papers Mom had saved. I found some paperwork that I thought had been lost from my Dad's Caterpillar purchase years ago. I have an original purchase order and invoice from when he bought his D-4 in May of 1950. i would like to post it but havent had time to get to the scanner yet.
Besides the tractor itself there was a hydraulic unit,blade,light and starting electrical,a shade, 16 inch track pads and something about idlers.
What I am needing help with today is with the number. on the invoice the tractor is listed as 7U-7626. Is that a good S/N? I wasnt sure if the four digits were correct. From what I have researched so far that would make it a '49 or '50 model. does that sound correct?