Hi, Walt D7 3T.
If the 'rumors' that I heard at the last are 'kee-wrecked', you've got it right. BUTTTT, fair warning is hereby served. I was TOLD by a couple of the locals that I HAVE to be there for next year and 2017. I have absolutely NO idea what terrible things you-all have done to deserve THAT CAT-astrophe.
Just my 0.02.
May 27, 28 and 29, 2016. More later. Those wanting to book rooms we have a block at the Holiday Inn Express in Atascadero if you want to reserve now.
More later.
Hi Tom, is the code word "Caterpillar"? I'm ready to book : ) I stayed in an Airbnb last time and it was great and everything but I'm a huge fan of a built-in breakfast : )