[left][/left][quote="ibrich"]This tractor is located on Highway 1 in Point Arena, California. I have been watching the machine for the last 6 years. It is sitting a very short distance from the Pacific ocean and the elements are taking a toll. I think the hood was complete when I first saw it. It looks like this is going to be its final resting place.
She looks good to me. It would be a good idea to replace the cans on the exhaust and intake as they tend to rust out from water sitting on them. Thanks for the photos.
A little hard to tell but I'm guessing a 1H model based on the shape of the oil filter can tops.
That Cat has been sitting there like that for almost 30 years that I know of, probably longer. there used to be an RD7 up behind it, was not too bad. There is still is a fair amount of old iron around there, but most of it was very well used, on rough ground, then left sitting where the salt air could finish it off. I bet that Sixty is still out there, full of water, rusted and broken.
Josh: I hauled diftwood redwood logs from that place to a wood scuplture in Yountville more like 40 yrs ago and it was there then with a bunch of other old heavy junk if its the one as you leave town right off the Hwy.
Aloha Rusty .That machine would be a find in Hawaii.Over here we have acid rain & dew from the valcano also vog (volcanic haze pollution) .Cast iron holds up well.10 years sitting out in the elements nothing but castings left.Happy hunting Spike
One time I was in Kauai, and rented a car with 400 miles on it and there was rust along all the edges of the doors.
When I visited Hank in Maui and saw what a great job on his '25 -Cat 30 I was totaly amazed @ the as found picture. Talk about what 75 plus years of Hawaii rust can do๐ฎ . Man did he do a miracle on that tractor.๐
Yea that 30 has nice lookin primer cups,compesion release valves and air cleaner assbly I wonder what good buddy of his gave them to him LOL