[attachment=44075]cat sixty and Roger.jpg[/attachment]Roger Martin, Waynesville, Ohio shared his 1926 Cat 60 and his Caterpillar Terracer (1936) with a 9 foot blade on August 5, 2017. There are about 40 acres under roof and 2-3 million dollars in parts a shipped out of this facility each day. The tour around the inside perimeter of the building was a mile walk. [attachment=44076]IMG_20170805_162321 (2) Cat Building.jpg[/attachment]
Hi, Folks.
I reckon that woulda bin a nice tour. Some of us here in DowNunda got to tour through the local parts facility at Yatala, Queensland, a couple of weeks ago. It is only a 'runt' - 21.8 acres under roof - just over 1/2 the size of the one where this tour took place.