according to cat tool bar manuals chisels and subsoilers must operate in float, even when gauge wheels are used. i'd say your case the bigger the machine and hd built tool etc and only running 8-12 inches go for it. flat land work will keep it close to constant depth.
The D4E for example...does not use a float position valve for the parallel linkage ripper. I don't believe you would want that feature as the ripper/scarifier teeth would bury itself to the hilt.
My 3-pt on the D4 utilizes the the single valve #44 with float valve but I seldom use the float feature.
Thanks guys, when I get this thing back from my cousins half way across the country I will get some pictures for you guys. Right now I am getting the hydraulics squared away and hope to get it mounted later this year. I will have one valve with float for the blade, one for the tilt, and newest one will be for the rear ripper.
All I know is that it came off of a D4 (HT4?) loader that his neighbor was scraping and I was told it has pockets for teeth similar the ripper on his #12 grader. It could be Cat, could be just about anything but it's not a toolbar.