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RED INK!!!!!!!

RED INK!!!!!!!

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Old Magnet
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Looking at the latest Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2021 I see the Club is running a $10K loss.
This after having several months in the black. What has happened????
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Mon, Nov 22, 2021 11:05 PM
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I am wondering as well OM. I had a BOD recently tell me the opposite of what the report read!
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Mon, Nov 22, 2021 11:12 PM
Send a private message to willwingo
Posts: 486
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Reply to juiceman:
I am wondering as well OM. I had a BOD recently tell me the opposite of what the report read!
$53,000 annualized payroll and we are hiring more help.
Hang on, we are going for the final ride.
We do not have access to anything more current than 5 months ago (June, 2021) Board of Director meeting minutes.
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Tue, Nov 23, 2021 1:00 AM
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Reply to willwingo:
$53,000 annualized payroll and we are hiring more help.
Hang on, we are going for the final ride.
We do not have access to anything more current than 5 months ago (June, 2021) Board of Director meeting minutes.
It would be nice if minutes were updated again.
The store needs to send out orders that are way overdue or offer refunds as well. Not a good way to run a “business” or garner new members.
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Tue, Nov 23, 2021 3:13 AM
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Posts: 486
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The Board of Director's meeting minutes through September are now posted.

This is a quote from the minutes:
"The Draft ACMOC By-Laws were reviewed by Tom Madden, a long time ACMOC member and
Lawyer, and changes made to the Draft By-Laws. The Directors reviewed and approved the final
copy to be sent to be included in the 4th Quarter ACMOC Magazine for review by the members.
Mary, in mid-September, sent By-Laws to AdCo for inclusion in the Magazine".

There is a one paragraph comment on page 4, Issue 156, President's Letter/ Board of Directors Report mentioning the "new proposed By-Laws" are included in the magazine.
The pages (7 through 9) make no mention of these being "proposed". The page heading is "Club Information" and the header is: BY-LAWS OF ANTIQUE MACHINERY OWNERS CLUB.

Apparently, the review and approval in September was final and this new document is now in force. 
No need for any member/ subscriber to review or comment.
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Wed, Nov 24, 2021 9:33 PM
Send a private message to janmeermans
Posts: 1,912
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Reply to willwingo:
The Board of Director's meeting minutes through September are now posted.

This is a quote from the minutes:
"The Draft ACMOC By-Laws were reviewed by Tom Madden, a long time ACMOC member and
Lawyer, and changes made to the Draft By-Laws. The Directors reviewed and approved the final
copy to be sent to be included in the 4th Quarter ACMOC Magazine for review by the members.
Mary, in mid-September, sent By-Laws to AdCo for inclusion in the Magazine".

There is a one paragraph comment on page 4, Issue 156, President's Letter/ Board of Directors Report mentioning the "new proposed By-Laws" are included in the magazine.
The pages (7 through 9) make no mention of these being "proposed". The page heading is "Club Information" and the header is: BY-LAWS OF ANTIQUE MACHINERY OWNERS CLUB.

Apparently, the review and approval in September was final and this new document is now in force. 
No need for any member/ subscriber to review or comment.
OM, Juiceman, PhilDirt and Other Interested Parties-

Please know that I have been keen on confirming the positive progress of our financial status since we made course corrections in 2019. As one of the seated BoD members at the time, I helped make those changes and it is only reasonable that I followup with seeing how they worked out. I draw your attention to the Financial Report in Issue 150 which reports our year end loss at (101,806). Subsequently we have shown both positive and negative quarterly reports. The exact variance would have to be answered by our Treasurer whom I have encouraged to join this discussion when time permits.

In my queries of "Are the changes we made two years ago paying off?", it has been confirmed (our Treasurer conducted a specific study of the numbers in order to answer me) to the point, if our assumptions at the time were correct, YES they are working. The major difficulty of our assumptions back then, is that we would maintain a certain level of membership x annual dues = positive cash flow i.e. breakeven or a little better. (Keep in mind we are a "non-profit corp.")  The problem is that we have not been able to maintain the membership level that we had assumed. I can assure you that the Membership Committee have recognized that and continue to wrack our brains on how best to improve those numbers. .

I wish that I could say that the problems with the website have been completely cured but they continue to cause Mary to spend an inordinate amount of time making corrections or tweaking things to get everything done. The Website Committee headed up by Director John Gaunt along with AdCo are doing stellar work to improve the processes and I do not wish to diminish their contributions in any way. Time just must pass for the issues to be recognized and a fix made.

Currently, the hours being worked by Mary far exceed our agreement with her. Accordingly, we have hired a part-time helper for over the holidays. The Board is also aware of our need to look ahead when Mary will be moving on and we are faced with replacing her. It is our hope that we can locate a good candidate for her replacement which will mean a time period of on- the- job training as keeping all of the membership "happy" can't be learned overnight!

I hope my response here will alleviate some of your concerns, rightly expressed I might add. From my vantage point, your current Board of Directors are working well together (this was not alwasy the case) to make the best path forward for our Club. 

Jan Meermans, Director, Chairman Magazine Committee   
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Thu, Nov 25, 2021 2:25 AM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to janmeermans:
OM, Juiceman, PhilDirt and Other Interested Parties-

Please know that I have been keen on confirming the positive progress of our financial status since we made course corrections in 2019. As one of the seated BoD members at the time, I helped make those changes and it is only reasonable that I followup with seeing how they worked out. I draw your attention to the Financial Report in Issue 150 which reports our year end loss at (101,806). Subsequently we have shown both positive and negative quarterly reports. The exact variance would have to be answered by our Treasurer whom I have encouraged to join this discussion when time permits.

In my queries of "Are the changes we made two years ago paying off?", it has been confirmed (our Treasurer conducted a specific study of the numbers in order to answer me) to the point, if our assumptions at the time were correct, YES they are working. The major difficulty of our assumptions back then, is that we would maintain a certain level of membership x annual dues = positive cash flow i.e. breakeven or a little better. (Keep in mind we are a "non-profit corp.")  The problem is that we have not been able to maintain the membership level that we had assumed. I can assure you that the Membership Committee have recognized that and continue to wrack our brains on how best to improve those numbers. .

I wish that I could say that the problems with the website have been completely cured but they continue to cause Mary to spend an inordinate amount of time making corrections or tweaking things to get everything done. The Website Committee headed up by Director John Gaunt along with AdCo are doing stellar work to improve the processes and I do not wish to diminish their contributions in any way. Time just must pass for the issues to be recognized and a fix made.

Currently, the hours being worked by Mary far exceed our agreement with her. Accordingly, we have hired a part-time helper for over the holidays. The Board is also aware of our need to look ahead when Mary will be moving on and we are faced with replacing her. It is our hope that we can locate a good candidate for her replacement which will mean a time period of on- the- job training as keeping all of the membership "happy" can't be learned overnight!

I hope my response here will alleviate some of your concerns, rightly expressed I might add. From my vantage point, your current Board of Directors are working well together (this was not alwasy the case) to make the best path forward for our Club. 

Jan Meermans, Director, Chairman Magazine Committee   
Hi, Jan M.
Thank you for the update and for all the effort that ALL the BoD members have put in over the past 2 - 3 years to help get the 'ship' back on course.

I was pretty 'vocal' in the past 'coz I knew that the club was heading for the rocks. I have kept pretty quiet since the major changes to the BoD several years ago and since changes started being made to the club;s direction 'coz, having a bit to do with committees in the past, I know that these things take time and a lot of figuring out.

The only thing that I would suggest is that, even if magazine reports lag a little behind, this forum could be used to help keep members more up to date.

Just a side note: there was one ex-BoD member who stood up at the AGM in Iowa and criticized the many BoD members who had not physically attended the AGM. As things worked, there were only TWO active BoD members who could make it to the Iowa National show and the AGM. Knowing some of the members who could not attend and the circumstances that stopped them from attending, I would bet that those who I DO know would much rather have been there in person than trying to work the meeting through video hook-up as had to be the case.

MANY thanks to all who participated and to the one who could not..

Just my 0.02.
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Thu, Nov 25, 2021 3:58 AM
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Jan M.
Thank you for the update and for all the effort that ALL the BoD members have put in over the past 2 - 3 years to help get the 'ship' back on course.

I was pretty 'vocal' in the past 'coz I knew that the club was heading for the rocks. I have kept pretty quiet since the major changes to the BoD several years ago and since changes started being made to the club;s direction 'coz, having a bit to do with committees in the past, I know that these things take time and a lot of figuring out.

The only thing that I would suggest is that, even if magazine reports lag a little behind, this forum could be used to help keep members more up to date.

Just a side note: there was one ex-BoD member who stood up at the AGM in Iowa and criticized the many BoD members who had not physically attended the AGM. As things worked, there were only TWO active BoD members who could make it to the Iowa National show and the AGM. Knowing some of the members who could not attend and the circumstances that stopped them from attending, I would bet that those who I DO know would much rather have been there in person than trying to work the meeting through video hook-up as had to be the case.

MANY thanks to all who participated and to the one who could not..

Just my 0.02.
Looks like a big hit this last quarter was lack of sales and cost of sales percentage wise was up. No doubt in my mind that the board is keeping tabs on what is going on. That goes for the club CPA who has been providing a true picture of our finances. For the money, the membership is still a bargain and if I have to pay more for the magazine so be it.

As I recall the BOD was in a cost reduction mode a couple years back and trying to make it work with no dues increase, but several acknowledged that there may be a necessity for a dues increase later on. Keep the faith!!
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Thu, Nov 25, 2021 10:56 AM
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Jan M.
Thank you for the update and for all the effort that ALL the BoD members have put in over the past 2 - 3 years to help get the 'ship' back on course.

I was pretty 'vocal' in the past 'coz I knew that the club was heading for the rocks. I have kept pretty quiet since the major changes to the BoD several years ago and since changes started being made to the club;s direction 'coz, having a bit to do with committees in the past, I know that these things take time and a lot of figuring out.

The only thing that I would suggest is that, even if magazine reports lag a little behind, this forum could be used to help keep members more up to date.

Just a side note: there was one ex-BoD member who stood up at the AGM in Iowa and criticized the many BoD members who had not physically attended the AGM. As things worked, there were only TWO active BoD members who could make it to the Iowa National show and the AGM. Knowing some of the members who could not attend and the circumstances that stopped them from attending, I would bet that those who I DO know would much rather have been there in person than trying to work the meeting through video hook-up as had to be the case.

MANY thanks to all who participated and to the one who could not..

Just my 0.02.
[quote="Deas Plant. post=233194 userid=933"]..........Just a side note: there was one ex-BoD member who stood up at the AGM in Iowa and criticized the many BoD members who had not physically attended the AGM. As things worked, there were only TWO active BoD members who could make it to the Iowa National show and the AGM. Knowing some of the members who could not attend and the circumstances that stopped them from attending, I would bet that those who I DO know would much rather have been there in person than trying to work the meeting through video hook-up as had to be the case.

MANY thanks to all who participated and to the ones who could not..............

I would have loved to have been able to attend the Elkader show, but, like fellow BOD members we were unable to do so because of the COVID restrictions imposed by the US government. The same was true in 2020 when the show had to be cancelled. In my almost 2 years as a director, I have only met one of my fellow directors face to face and that was a coincidence when we met back in 2000! I sincerely hope we can get together in 2021. The voice referred to at the AGM in Elkader clearly had no clue about international travel restrictions due to the virus.
As I’m sure most readers will know, all directors are volunteers and devote a considerable amount of time to running our club, often 10 or more hours a week. There are also many members who devote much time and effort to work on the various committees.  
What we need to do as a club is to “grow our membership” if every non-member benefitting from this forum were to join and if every member were to go out and persuade someone to join, our / your club would be in a much better place.
Ask not what your club can do for you but what you can do for your club.
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Thu, Nov 25, 2021 12:11 PM
Old Magnet
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Reply to gauntjoh:
[quote="Deas Plant. post=233194 userid=933"]..........Just a side note: there was one ex-BoD member who stood up at the AGM in Iowa and criticized the many BoD members who had not physically attended the AGM. As things worked, there were only TWO active BoD members who could make it to the Iowa National show and the AGM. Knowing some of the members who could not attend and the circumstances that stopped them from attending, I would bet that those who I DO know would much rather have been there in person than trying to work the meeting through video hook-up as had to be the case.

MANY thanks to all who participated and to the ones who could not..............

I would have loved to have been able to attend the Elkader show, but, like fellow BOD members we were unable to do so because of the COVID restrictions imposed by the US government. The same was true in 2020 when the show had to be cancelled. In my almost 2 years as a director, I have only met one of my fellow directors face to face and that was a coincidence when we met back in 2000! I sincerely hope we can get together in 2021. The voice referred to at the AGM in Elkader clearly had no clue about international travel restrictions due to the virus.
As I’m sure most readers will know, all directors are volunteers and devote a considerable amount of time to running our club, often 10 or more hours a week. There are also many members who devote much time and effort to work on the various committees.  
What we need to do as a club is to “grow our membership” if every non-member benefitting from this forum were to join and if every member were to go out and persuade someone to join, our / your club would be in a much better place.
Ask not what your club can do for you but what you can do for your club.
If club membership is dropping off like what I see for participation on the "BB" the club is in trouble.
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Fri, Nov 26, 2021 8:34 AM
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Reply to Old Magnet:
If club membership is dropping off like what I see for participation on the "BB" the club is in trouble.
 Club membership has been in steady decline for a while, especially in the USA. Membership numbers are in the low 2000s.
Growing membership numbers will be a key priority for us in 2022 and beyond.
In the Webtech committee we are doing a lot of work to increase member benefits such as......
New technical library, We welcome .pdf copies of manuals, sales leaflets etc. To add to the library, just mail to [email protected] and we will add them.
Soon we will have all back copies of the magazine digitised and available in the Members area.
The Chapters page has an interactive map showing the location of members.
We now have “rotating images” on the home page ( ) so we can display a range of pictures there.

We (not the webtech committee) have also reprinted the “Primer” which is a leaflet with caterpillar history inviting people to join us. This has a QR code which, when scanned by a smartphone takes you straight to the “Join us” page on the website. I appended a copy.
I have a bunch of these which I plan to take with me to all the shows I attend in the UK and leave one on the seat of each Cat machine exhibited.
I invite other members to do the same and become “ACMOC Ambassadors”. Mary will post some copies to any member willing to take up this challenge. I will get a copy of the “primer” put up on the website as well.

I’m sure there will be many more initiatives coming forward and it would be great to harness the thoughts and ideas of all members in this area. BOD members do not have a monopoly on ideas!

As a club we have little “management information”, so for example we don”t ask new members where they heard about the club (we will fix this very soon). Such information would help us direct sales and marketing efforts. Neither do we ask members who don”t renew their membership why they chose not to renew. Such information again would be very useful to us in improving membership benefits.

 [attachment=65451]17529 ACMOC Tri-Fold Historical PrimerProof8-30-2021.pdf[/attachment]

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Fri, Nov 26, 2021 12:10 PM
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