Hi, Kurt.
Have you gotchyer thinkin' cap on?
bboaz, that is very generous offer. Thank you.
Just my 0.02.
good idea. now to decide on price per ticket duration of sale and date of draw.
That's a very elaborate quilt Brian - please pass on our admiration to your wife for her expertise.
Wow, that is a very generous offer and a very neat item! I'll send you a note and we can discuss it, but we can definitely get the word out!
That is a great idea and very nice of both you and your wife! I have always wanted to raffle off or auction something nice for the club. If something gets figured out, I would love to hit the bid button or donate something as well.
I have a spare room here, I should make it with a crawler/equipment theme; my inner man cave sort of hahaha. Perfect! JM
Thanks everyone, Sounds like there is some interest. I don't know enough about the structure of the Club to know how bidding for an auction could be handled, but I do think keeping track of raffle tickets would be near impossible although a Raffle gives everyone a chance to win regardless how many tickets they purchase. If in fact there is a way to set up and hold an auction or a raffle, once the winner is determined, my wife normally makes labels for the back of the quilt with names, events, and dates for the quilt. I will then ship the winner their quilt as long as I have a good address for the winner, stateside or international. That's my part. The only drawback of using the forum for this is the fact that it only a small percentage of the membership use the forum. I am waiting to hear from Kurt Bangert. Maybe he has some insight. Thanks bboaz
Brian, We will figure out a way to do it. I may be able to setup an "electronic" raffle, but I'll have to look into it a bit. One way or another, we will get it done. There's no way I would say no to the generosity, talent, and dedication to the club!
Kurt If you can set up an electronic raffle setting a price for each ticket ( say $5.00 per ticket) and keep track of each person's donation, sending me a list of doners and the amount they donated which will equal so many tickets then I will get a roll of tickets and add their tickets to the pot with their name on them. Say Juiceman does a donation of $50 @ $5 per ticket then I would add 10 tickets to the pot with his name on them. We let it run with a start date and an ending date, Once that date has passed and all the donations and tickets confirmed, we do a drawing and announce the winner. The winner's name, ACMOC RAFFLE and Date gets put on a label an the back of the quilt and I send it to the winner. In a sense that gives the person who buys 10 tickets a chance to win as well as the person who buys 20 tickets. I will take care of the tickets and make sure the list of doners and tickets are correct. That keeps everything honest and would make it a fun deal. That's my idea bboaz