Yes I do....
Rack setting for the 3U using the 3H1690 tool is 0.330".
Many thanks, Old Magnet, I knew that I could count on you. Have not been doing too many repairs lately. Old age taking it's toll. Got my sawmill running last year. The old D315 handles the 48" blade very well. Had to convert friction drive to full hydraulic. What a difference. I used Cat parts wherever I could- hoses, hydraulic fittings, hardware, etc. I hope in the next month that the weather dries up so I can get sawing. The old D315 sounds very good under load, music to my ears. It got a full overhaul and sat indoors for about 30 years before I got it mounted in a frame above the husk frame for the saw. Old girl fired right up ready to do battle with the logs. Sorry I can't post pictures, don't know about the posting. Have necessary cameras though. Cheers, and thanks again, Larry.