From what i understand the instructions are to be in magazine 164 which we haven't received yet and on the ACMOC Facebook Page which I cannot find. I am waiting for the results to be posted so my wife can make the label for the quilt and i can send it to the winner. This was all suppose to be done by Christmas. bboaz
All I could find in the online edition was that we could enter on the website but I don't see anything. Issue 164 is on the website so it should be arriving via mail soon.
ihavent seen anything on the website. ill have a look and see if i can find it.
Any hints to us compulsive gamblers as to when we can cough up our money??
Bumping to top again!
Any news on the quilt raffle? I know raffles can be a hassle with state and fed gambling laws.
There is a board meeting this coming Monday 18th. I will endeavour to find out the status and report back.
I looked at the electronic issue 164 and details about the raffle are published there. The raffle was suppose to go live in October and the winner was to be announced in November so my wife could make the label and we could ship the quilt to the winner in time for Christmas. Needless to say, that is not going to happen and there are going to have to be more time lines established. . GAUNTJOH in the board meeting Monday find out what the new time lines are going to be. Are we waiting for issue 164 to be received by members or what. bboaz