I bought a D-7 3T some time back where is -as was on an auction. It had been sitting there for about 18 years... Main engine was stuck, large coffee can over the stack... with dime size hole in it. Didn't see that either until after buying it... and somebody said that there's a crack in the engine. Say WHAT??? yup, a big crack in the left rear cover plate, behind the pony motor's electric starter and was hard to see. Fellow said that they started pouring water in and water was running out fast. I don't know if the fellows had to close the lower drain or not by the water pump, but the water pump didn't seem to be broken.
Okay, the Cat was sitting with its nose up a grade too... I drained the oil pan and got about 7 gallons of water out of the pan, or it sure seemed like it laying under there.. I got the engine broke loose too... pony started good, and winged the big engine over and half can ether later it was running. Loaded it without water.
I finally got the cover off and it is not worth brazing.
Okay here comes the questions-
I was wondering if those covers were designed to break to prevent freeze damage to the engine?
would some of the water in the crankcase be from the block being left with water in it?
Or could all that water simply came through the hole in the coffee can and past the piston?
So what are your thoughts?
Think I will be lucky with the engine block being the side plate broke?
and the radiator? Haven't see any bulges in it ...yet.
Should I just cut a plate and bolt on for a test to see if the block holds water?
Mmm , maybe just take some heavy cooking aluminum foil and punch hole for the bolts and put that between busted cover and the block for a trial run...
or just get a 6B4005 cover to put on... so, does anyone have a cover laying around they would part with...? 😆
Hope to hear your comments and opinions. thanks Jerry