IT will take the real experts to give a better idea,but were the 3t's not a 5 3/4 inch bore with the same stroke as a D8's used thru the K series? So the injector pump itself or the governor would need to be changed to make any real difference?
Well I don't think that I got the whole story, since the current owner isn't the one who built up this tractor. I am thinking that it might be the injector pump plungers or internal parts that were changed somehow, not the injectors, but ??? I don't know if the D8 injectors had any more fuel flow than the 3T ones did or not, but I'm guessing somehow he increased the fuel flow. If I go back, I'll get some pictures to show the custom work. It really has had a lot of time put into trying to make an older tractor more like a newer one.
mate no nothing about all these mods but am keen to learn it would be good to see some piccys of said dream machine I will keep a close eye on this space seeya
Hi, Tailseat15.
Int'restin'. I'm no 'heck-spurt' either but I sorta had the weird notion that the D8 donks back in those times were pretty much the D7 donk with two extra barrels added - makin' 'em a six-shooter instead of a 4-banger. IF I am kee-wrecked, then the turbo would probably do more for extra grunt than the D8 injectors. Even if the D8 injectors have bigger nozzles to deliver more fuel, it would likely need some 'fiddling' with the injector pumps to deliver that extra fuel.
Rubber-mounted air cab with custom controls? Now that might be int'restin' ter see, especially with regard to what the cab did to the operator's view of the world around him. Home-built cabs sometimes do rude things to visibility. Customizing the controls brings up a few mental images too. Is it possible to post some photos, please.
Yes, I believe that you can wind your non-turbo 17A up a few notches by boosting the revs. You could also throw a turbo at it, although the rev-boosting would be easier. How-wevver, if that nasty ol' yeller bug bites you real good, you might wanna pick up that pumped up 3T and get another donk for it - IF the dollars work for you. It sounds like it's 'wunnuvva-kind' and maybe easier to operate than your 17A.
Just my 0.02. Wotchin' this space.
If you have a rack setting gage ,you can give it more fuel by adding or removing shims under the torque spring in the governor , .010 or .015 to move the rack further would give it more power ,and adding a turbo to the mix would probably give it 15 to 20 more horse power .I not sure it would be a good idea to turn up the rpms ,just check it with a tach ,and make sure the high idle is correct according to the specs.
Only problem is that increased power in an old machine may cause you headackes and dollars in repairs !
Hi Team,
to the best of my knowledge all 5 3/4" bore engines, be it 3, 4, 6, or 8 cylinders, use the same injectors set to the same specifications. Only ways I can think of to get more power is up the engine RPM's, and to open up the rack setting.
Info I have says all 5 1/4" and 5 3/4" bore engines of this era, with the tall injection pumps, use 10mm Dia. elements/plungers.
I do not have Parts Books to check the Inj Pump P/No's.
As Deas said a turbo would help clean up the exhaust if the rack has been upped slightly--for an old machine I advise against it as it will likely bite you later.
Same goes for upping the RPM's as these engines are not fitted with the counter balancer weights and so will vibrate the whole machine if run too fast.
Eddie B.