I’m guessing that Wombat (AKA Neil, el Presidente) has got your attention with this post !
Neil and I were just discussing how we might make the forum available to non-English speakers and so did a little experiment with Neil writing something in his best Spanish and seeing how it appeared, how it translated etc.
Caterpillar has been selling product around the world for almost 100 years and had translated it’s material (sales leaflets, parts books, service bulletins etc.) into many languages.
Because of this there will be Cat enthusiasts in many countries around the world who don’t speak English as their main language or even at all,
We do have a few members in such countries as Japan, France etc. etc. But nowhere near as many as we believe we could have if we were “more language friendly” hence this simple test.
Rather than delete the thread we though we would leave it here so you can see and discuss another idea your Club is exploring.
Hi Wombat,
[quote="rax200 post=233320 userid=4665"]Hi Wombat,
Hi Daryl,
Whilst I have no idea what language you gave above, I used a wonder of modern technology I recently discovered, that Google Translate has a camera function which, when you point the camera at some text it will automatically translate it that's "my test" 😊)
Another amazing app is Google Lens - just point your smartphone camera at an object and it will tell you what it is, just astonishing what modern technology can do !
どうもありがとうございました、友人. 日本語 (in Japanese Hiragana)
Domo arigato gozaimasu, tomodachi. Nihongo (in Japanese Romaji)
Thank you very much, friend. Japanese (in English)
Interesting topic. My son has an interest in the Russian language so along with all the usual alphabets etc. I bought him a Cat parts catalog in Cyrillic. The cover is colored blue which might have been a marker of documentation printed in languages other than English.
Hi, Folks.
Sounds like this idea may have some promise and be worth pursuing.
I have met a couple of people DowNunda who spoke FLUENT LeTourneau. One has even written some books on the subject. I wonder if we could 'translate' these two people into 'Caterpillar'?????????????? I know they both love old machinery so that might be a start.
Just my 0.02.
Hi John,
It is my wife language Thai, and I have Google translate the converts any language to any other language.
My test
although english is the most common second language in the world it can be hard for non native speakers. and well if you come down under its a must to bring a translation guide(even if you speak english natively) but that doent always work as some insults are also terms of endearment amongst friends such as bastard which is a high insult of your parentage or lack there of as-well as a endearment. often its not what is said but the way it was said and that changes meaning greatly.
and funnily enough my machine was made in Chile.
as for making the forum and website available in a foreign language spannish would be a good start. im sure there is software that could do that.
Instead of Google translator, I have a Toddler Translator who translates to his Lolly what Pops said when he smashes his thumb in the shop working on his tractors. #$%%^)*+