Looks great Lee,can't wait to get one.Reminds me of the times I would be driving one of those machines over some of the mountains back here in eastern PA,with those wonderful brakes they had.MIke
Nice looking rig Lee.
Mike, The next issue of the ACMOC magazine will have the details for ordering. It will be formally introduced at the show in Portland, Indiana in August.
Tom, I think Dave Tallon and First Gear have done another great job on this model. It will look nice on the shelf and even better when paired with the 456 scraper.
Hi, Lee.
Congrats to all concerned. It looks like it might have been made by somebody who knew something about it. LOL.
Thanks for sharing.
Can the ordering instructions be posted on here to allow non-subscribers to place an order?
I let my membership/subscription lapse, due to economic circumstances, but I had already planned on getting one of these when they were first announced.
Nice tractor. Will the finished model have fenders?
Looks like another winner there Lee for sure, thanks for posting the pics and thanks to Dave Tallon for his tireless efforts, it will be neat with the No 456 paired up to it and if that D9G ever comes to fruition us yellow guys will be happier than a *&^ in $(&^, well you know what i mean!