Reply to edb:
the Horizontal 2 3/4" bore line is your S/Eng.
This line covers starting engines for:- D3400, D4400, D311, & D315.
Eddie B.
thanks for posting the above, I did eventually find my copy but I dont yet have the puter savvy to put the scaned in data into a post YET!.
Some years back I scavanged several profesionally bound books of S/M's, P/B's, P/L's & SNL's from the bins at the dealer. Some of these dont lend themselves to opening out to scan properly. Just now trying to get going again after dealing with DVA for 3 years.
I get the LOOK when I bring even these books inside, I thought they looked OK being bound in leatheret and gold embossed down the spine.
Eddie B.
Eddie - Good to hear you managed to save the Service Info literature from the bins. We'd probably weep if we knew what was thrown out. I managed to score some stuff from a country IH dealer here, after he sold his dealership.
He said when Westrac were under poor management in the late 1980's, and they closed a number of country branches, he found the local Cat blokes up at the rubbish dump, dumping boxes and boxes of literature galore.
When he asked what they were doing, they said they just had instructions to dump everything that was in the branch, because it was being closed down, and they wanted the property clean, so they could sell it .. 🙄
He managed to officially redirect a lot of stuff to himself, by telling Westrac he had IH's with Cat engines in them (which was true) .. but the basis of his decision, was that he was just appalled at the waste of useful info, and had to try and arrest it. He said a substantial amount had already been buried, before he found out (accidentally) what was happening.
Yes, the professional bindings of a serious number of copies make it hard to scan them. I often take a (digital) pic of a page, if it's too hard to scan .. then load the pic into the computer.
Glad to hear you got onside with DVA. I know that feeling. They wanted more info from me - so I gave them a 48 page submission .. with a heap of pics such as you saw on the ACME post.
Coupled with a very good RAAF woman advocate from the RSL, who walked me through the 'Veterans Entitlements Act -1986' (a minefield if ever there was one), we got DVA onside .. but only after they took 18 months to come to a decision to classify me as TPI.
Like so many Govt Depts, I think they either want you to give up or die. Too many good blokes have done both, whereas they deserved better from DVA. Some of the stories the advocate told me, about blokes who were more than entitled to TPI, but who went about their application the wrong way, and were rejected, would make you spew.