Especially if it was done half ass with wires and cables strung everywhere, and with no glow plugs, "oh i just give it a little either", ya right.
The good news is that since the pony is seemingly the most hated and most replaced item, there should be plenty of take-off pony engines for sale cheap or give away. Get one, fix it well, and bolt it on.
If there even still usable after the idiots blow em up.
If Cat hadn't come up with direct electric start and oil clutches they would have gone out of business long ago.
I agree with you O.M. But in their day it was genius, and I think those models should be kept that way.
Thats true if these new owners want a key or push button start they should get a newer machine rather than screw up an antique.
Hi, Folks.
To me, it doesn't make them 'worthless'. as they are still capable of doing what they were originally designed to do. What it may do is make them less desirable as a collector's item. I guess there must be some people who like direct electric start to the extent they are willing to convert machines 'cos there is an almost never-ending stream of queries about how-to on this BB.
I guess it mostly depends on what you want the machine for.
Just my 0.02..
Exactly, If you on and off the machine regular and working by yourself and don't want the machine idling forever electric start or both is the way to go.