BP: I don't know whether to be happy or upset. Your pops is looking down smiling right now, watching you make shiny pads and moldboards in almost perfect conditions.
I want to disk my mothers downtown farm ground, but it keeps raining off and on, just enough to delay things. Heck, I even have the CASE 600 disk plow there, I could plow it and then disk later. Dying for some tractor time here. JM
Great photos!!!
Hi, Bruce P.
That D4 looks VERY similar to one that Marv Fery had - which I think has now migrated a little 'Souther' - with that early 955 loader style fuel tank. I have been told that it was a 'changeover' model before the D4C series was introduced.
5-roller track frame too - nice.
Just my 0.02.