Reply to Skinner:
Yes it should almost fall out. But it looks like someone set it with a centerpunch to tighten it up and Being held in by the corrosion, soak it good and it should pop out. Skinner
Clayton: thanks for the tip!
Neil: not sure, haven’t ever been this deep into a tractor engine before, I’ve done valve jobs and tune ups to get them running but never a complete tear down. It should be a 4” bore, but all cylinders are in the .080” over category. Which is odd, they offered up to .030” over from the factory, and for that amount of oversized boring, I’d expect the entire engine to be worn out and the timing gears to have wear, but they all look really good. Almost no wear.
Skinner: sounds good, I’ll let them soak for while and try to pop them out. I had guessed they just came out due to the design, but my overthinking brain couldn’t believe it lol. So
rax200: not sure. The parts book says “Piston Ring: For Piston, Ground and Cut”. Which isn’t very helpful. The ring doesn’t have any holes/ports or springs that would be in a typical oil ring, it’s solid, so a compression ring would be a guess as good as any.
trainzkid88: does that make the clip a one time use if I take them out? I thought that when a staked piece is taken out, it’s probably no good any more. If I can reuse them that would be great. I didn’t think I was going to be going this far when I bought it, but the good Lord had other ideas.