there was some discussion previously about paying of dues and how some have trouble or dont like using paypal via the club website. and so are phoning the office to make payment over the phone and this is apparently taking up a lot of time in the office. here's a simple solution do a direct transfer from your bank account to the clubs bank account all you would need is the name of financial institution, BSB number and the acc number for the clubs account and you use your membership number as a reference. a follow up email to the office or the secretary to notify payment has been made would also be helpful. (i do this all the time paying various businesses for stuff i simply use my customer number or a order number as the reference.) bsb is Bank State Branch number it identifies the bank and branch the account was opened at, an example: 064-403 means commonwealth bank of Australia, Queensland, Bundaberg branch.
it would be even easier if the club set up a bpay or bpoint biller number.(these two companies trade in Australia. im sure there would be a American equivelent) bpay was started by the 4 major Australian banks.
also it would probably make it easier paperwork wise to set a common renewal date for everyone actually you could have 2 one in the first half of the year and one in the second half. depending when you joined you would be in group A or group B this would condense the work load allowing other things to be done at other times and maybe even reduce costs as staff hrs could be reduced during the slower periods. another benefit is make it easier to do reminders as you could simply set up a automatic email blast to each group when renewals are due.
it would also make it easier for members and their chapters to remind each other about renewals.