I believe ACMOCs Agreement with Caterpillar Limits the number of models produced to 3500 . . so i guess to go back and do a rerun would mean breaking the agreement .
You also got to remember there were 1000s of models that had not sold destroyed in the warehouse fire .
Club was struggling to sell them back then , so would doubt they would want to rerun stuff that was not saleable back then in hopes thatthey may seell a couple again now .
The club produced most of the past models in runs of 2500 units. The D2s had a few variations that were over that amount. More recently, there were only 500 silver 25s and grey terracers made and 1000 military D4s. Most of the past models come up on ebay once in a while. There is not enough of a market to produce them again.
where you thinking the Big models? like 435 scrapers / dw20's d9 stuff? i think the price point on some of the bigger stuff was 400.00 range and well i don't see selling them now. was there something you where looking for ? i would be happy to keep my eyes out for you?
I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. I wonder if there are records of what models Acmoc has produced? It would be nice to have an idea what could pop up.
I got a Tailseat D2 model off ebay, still in the box, plastic on the tracks, no missing pieces, totally like new for $120. I think they sold new for about $200.
Also what is the price tag for the silver and gold 50th diesel year, diesel sixty
Did you have one that you would like to sell?