Reply to Irwin:
Sorry i missed you.the outside stuff was rusted tight,as were the motors.the 30 was nice (i want one)
Well Irwin, I got my one 'prize', seized in rust home, R5, at least the tracks rolled.
While loading, it was sad 😞 to see what was happening there, a semi-truck from Maustin Salvage was getting loaded and the fellows were torching the boom off the Unit dragline and they had an old grader on with a pull type and a tractor and other parts... I seen his bidder number, 1029 show up on the auction a lot. He got at least 16 lots, #34 (grader), 35 (IH crawler), 41 (blade), 44 (R5), 46 (grader), 47 (RD4 without winch), 49 (Twenty), 57 (TD1😎, 61 (D4 parts), 62 (AustinWestern/McD grader), 63 (Adams/IH grader), 64 (Cat grader), 65 (Adams pull grader), 66 (RC Case), 83 (D2), 84 (Unit Dragline).... and he would have had the lot 55 too if I had not tapped the mouse once too many. Now wish the mouse got clicked for the other R5, RD4, TD18, and the UNIT dragline. 😞 Oh well, saved one from the salvage.