[size=100]8C361. I just Done a Google Search on Snake Pass over the Pennines. Heavy Snow Perils see Snake Pass Closed up to 70 Days a Year. Traffic Incidents and poor weather leave their marks in this part of the country.
D4Jim. Yes your right we do get a Snow Flurry here in Manchester. I have always lived on the North Side of Manchester Centre. We have the Pennines and Saddleworth Moor with Permanent Warning Signs for SNOW and Roads Closed over Bad Weather.
We have not had any Proper Snow for about 30 years. I can remember about 35 years ago I was out in my Lightweight Series 3 Ex Military Landrover with a mate of mine, Out for a drive in the snow. I was trying to follow a 8 Wheel Truck with Flashing Lights Snow Blower on the Front. Proper High Snow solid walls like 8ft Hight after the Blower been throu. Snow Drifts of the Fields. My Ground Clearance was not enough to follow them truck lines. And for anyone who knows there Landrovers. My Windscreen Wipers did not Help LOL.
Going out playing around in the snow in 4X4, we used to have Bedding, Pillows, and Hot Drinks in Flasks. I can remember this night there where people dying after being trapped in there Cars on the M62 Motorway over the Tops. I ended up Stuck in a Snow Rut behind that 8 Wheel snow blower. My mate looked at me, saying its Cold outside and I had ice on my eye brows from looking out side the window to see where I was driving. We ANIT Driving Home FACT. ½ Mile to the Main Road there was a PUB opposite the Junction called Waggon and Horses. So we knocked on the Door, and asked if there was any spare room in the INN !!. We spent the night nice and warm with Coal Fire burning. Blankets and Free Whiskies. Public Free House PUB. Life saver for sure. It was full that night from people stranded in the snow. Nice Full English Breakfast on the House in the morning with fresh Coffee Too. Saying there would not have any passing trade today due to the snow. So its all On the House. I often used to call back for a meal and thank them for that night.
Today we have lost like 80 percent plus of our Traditional Pubs. Used to act as Landmarks for giving traffic directions. Like turn left at the Railway Inn, and a Right after the Waggon and Horses. Now its, Pubs gone, it’s a Curry House and a Funeral Directors. Guessing its Cold in the Cellers ideal for both businesses.
Photos unloading some spare parts from my SANTA LIST. Full 40ft Tin Can unloaded in the snow, and snowing at home.
[attachment=78505]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (1).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78506]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (2).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78512]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (3).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78511]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (4).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78507]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (5).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78509]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (6).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78510]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (7).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78508]Catman unloading Parts in Snow (😎.JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78513]17feb2009 (13).JPG[/attachment]
[attachment=78514]Snow at Home (1).jpg[/attachment]
[attachment=78515]Snow at Home (2).jpg[/attachment]