Reply to Willie:
Don you make a great BoD member you fit right in with your passive ways and wierd sayings. But what about all the ACMOC members stuck over on the other BB trying for past 2 or 3 weeks to get on this BB and being told to go to acme site itstead. You should be looking out for the paying members intrest not a vendors intrest who now says its only his hobby and he will get to when he has time. When you became a BoD member it became your JOB to look out for their intrests in ACMOC not a hobby any more.
The BB is just a small part of the website and we barley got it after 8 months how long do you think it will be under construction. at the rate its going the WWW. will be obsolete before its done. What is a far cry from what we were told we would have way back in MAY
Well said, I don't write alot, I don't wish to bloviate my thoughts.
Through the years I've seen people write their thoughts in an opinionated way and get hammered, D8BOB comes to mind. The "sensative" souls on this board got there tails in a knot. Good, bad, or... I can't say, I didn't read 'every' thread.
The facts are still the same the talent and knowledge we hold within this site is good, and with superiority comes PRIDE and when someone steps on the toes of a prideful person, tempers flare. What needs to happen is you enter this site with humility and watch it grow again.
Just my $.02 worth
P.S. Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.