Ok, by popular request, here are some pics. I don't take credit for the design, because I purchased it on the cheap from Craigslist after looking for a welding table for quite some time.
The guy that fabbed this up was doing a small production run of metal bending, and thus some drilled and tapped holes are in the top. I'm loving that part as you can fasten stuff to it, or add your vice when you want to.
Want to move it? Just lift one edge and wheel away!
Dimensions are 2' x 4' and 3' high and the top is 1/2" steel plate. The bottom shelf is wood. There is some angle steel welded to the bottom of the tabletop and the legs will bolt into that on each of the 4 legs.
Folds up and out of the way when not in use (yeah....like that happens!)