If you are patient you can find one on eBay for about $100 although they most often list them for about $200. Those prices are NIB.
Thanks Jim, this lady is wanting approx $250USD plus freight which I reckon is too steep.
Perhaps he is hinting that he is on the prowl for the genuine D2 toolbar unit...some folks enjoy collecting stamps, coins, or baseball cards; I know some that like collecting tractors.
Lets see, Markds3 has the top seat, so he gets a toolbar tractor next; hmmm, how about a tailseat next? Then move on to a narrow gauge. You get the picture. Collect the entire set or series! Just trying to help here. JM
[quote="juiceman post=244749 userid=2307"][img]/media/kunena/emoticons/tea.gif[/img]
Perhaps he is hinting that he is on the prowl for the genuine D2 toolbar unit...some folks enjoy collecting stamps, coins, or baseball cards; I know some that like collecting tractors.
Lets see, Markds3 has the top seat, so he gets a toolbar tractor next; hmmm, how about a tailseat next? Then move on to a narrow gauge. You get the picture. Collect the entire set or series! Just trying to help here. JM
Ha!! I don't think the boss, finances or space would allow that Juiceman. Funny you say about a D2 with a toolbar, I actually found one last year, but shipping would kill it unless I could get it free, it also was missing the rams and was very rusty: