Hi, V14.
Let's start with the BASICS - you don't have the park brake locked, do you? It'z bin a LONNNGGGG time since I sat onna 3T but there should be a latch there somewhere to lock one brake pedal down. If one brake pedal doesn't come all the way back or is softer than the other one until it hits a hard point, that will likely be the culprit.
Just my 0.02.
That lock is not engaged, but my right brake is stuck in. Doesn't spring back no idea what the problem is on that, made a thread previously. I should probably hit it back out with a mallet didn't think about that jamming it up.
Hi, V14.
You say that the lock is not engaged but the right brake pedal is stuck in. My next suggestion would be to pull the floor plate and see what the situation is with that right brake pedal.
The brakes on Cat crawlers are MASSIVE, to the point where even one of them locked on is gonna give your engine serious grief if you try to drive.
Hope this helps.
Just my 0.02.
I had the floor off, removed the spring and replaced it the old one was incorrect. It still doesn't spring back though, not really sure what the issue is on that. I will get the pedal disengaged after work tomorrow and see if that takes care of the problem, sounds like it probably is the issue.
Hi, V14.
As I said earlier, it'z bin along time since I had anything to do with 3Ts but it is possible that the spring is set to work on an over-center mechanism and you have to pull/push the lock control to the OFF position to release the brake while pushing on the brake pedal. Wottz moor, the harder the brake was applied, the harder you will have to push on it to get the lock latch disengaged to release it - - - IF that is the problem.
Just my 0.02.
Have you tried to "pull" the steering friction lever on the right track back when you engage the clutch. In effect- this will disconnect the drive to that track. (same thing happens when you pull the left friction, but only on that track. This will help determine if you have a problem on the one side only.
Clutch is meant to be engaged or dis-engaged. Trying to operate with it only part way engaged is heating the assembly and causing abnormal wear on the components.
There are many things that occur between the transmission and the final drive (sprocket) any one or a multitude could cause the problem.
Ensure nothing is blocking the drive sprocket at track pin engagement.
Make sure the brake is fully released.
Possible to have a brake band stuck too
Does this occur in both forward and reverse?
It occurs in forward and reverse and though I haven't started it again and moved it yet I'm certain it's the right brake. The only time I was able to move it was when I turned it 180 degrees to the right. Using the clutch to remove that brake pressure and it turned no problem, it was only when trying to drive straight or turn left it was bogging down.
I think the brake is just stuck and will free up with use. I tapped it back out of engagement and pushed it in and pulled it back out a few times. It's pulling back out a little easier now just not coming back under spring tension yet. I will try tonight to move it with the break disengaged and after moved try and get some use on that brake and hopefully free it up the rest of the way.
Pull your deck plates and unhook the brake rods and take the brake pedals off their stub shafts and take Emory clothe and clean and polish the shafts so your pedals are nice and free, I have one to do myself makes a big difference!
I'll have to give that a shot once I make sure the thing functions well. Don't want to spend too much time doing detail work before I can even figure out operations haha