Is that an approved way of chaining at such a low angle and length? 😮
Here in California the chain capacity needs to be half of the machine wieght,plus a chain over the blade and rippers(legaly). So, that machine needs 8 chains. California needs the money and there writing tickets. We were moving a 824C the CHP says we need 8 chains and lock the hard bar if equipped so the machine dosnt articulate while on the trailer. The blade needs to be chained also.What a bunch of BS. Do it there way or donate to the Cal. kitty.
Steve,the chains wouldn't be the only thing that the dot back here in PA would get you on.The red paint on the corner of the blade,you would need a red flag on both ends of blade.If the blade is over 12' wide you would either take it off completely or use blade guards.If they really want to break your balls the ripper should be off also.This would be before they axle weight you.Then they would yank your permit and as they say you are up the creek without the paddle.These are just some of the reasons we liked to make the bigger moves on early Saturday mornings.
What are "blade guards"?
O.K. - I just have to ask. Why would the CNG be showcasing their firefighting capabilities .. and then show off a 20 yr old tractor, that has hardly turned a track?? 😕
If they have great firefighting ability .. that ability must be just a showpiece ability? .. and they don't ever actually fight any fires?? 😕
How else would they have a tractor, that has done an average of less than 3 hrs a year, for the last 20 years??
My nephew has a fire contract with the State Govt Dept that handles fires - the Dept of Environment & Conservation. He has 2 x D6H's on permanent standby, loaded on the trucks & trailers, ready to roll .. 24/7/365. He has to be on the fire site, within 2 hrs of a call .. anytime, day or night.
These rigs don't sit around for long. We get around 2000 fires every Summer (many deliberately lit) .. and a fire here in West Oz gets away fast, and has a fury that has to be seen to be believed .. fueled by eucalyptus oils.
The DEC owns 14 Komatsu fire dozers, and 7 Komatsu loaders themselves .. but they also have multiple water bombers, helicopters, dozens of dozers, and hundreds of firetrucks, graders, loaders, and even Positracks, at their disposal .. either on contract hire .. or in additional (Govt) Fire & Emergency Services equipment .. and they throw everything at a fire, that has taken off.
There's no firefighting equipment here, that sits around for 20 years, virtually unused .. and I though CA would have been much the same.
Komatsu fire dozers ..
DEC fire updates ..
I'll bet you don't find rust on the cats that really fight the fires in California!
That D7 probably never leaves the compound. Most of the ones shown in my links look better equipped for fire duty than that one does!
You guys are forgeting one thing about the military. The military can do what ever the hell they want and get away with it. They have minimal chains because they can. The dozer has so few hours because they can. If they want to buy a $200K dozer and never use it, they can. If they dont use the money they lose it for next year.
Yeah, You got that right about the military. If we would have crossed the scales with the dozer chained like that they would have red tagged us. I hauled a 140,000 pound tank out of Barstow a couple of weeks ago to Camp Pendelton and what a coincidence they closed the scales just before I got to the scales sign.
The military tractors don't fight fire with us unless we're out of agency and contractor equipment such as we were in July of 08 when the smoke hit the fan, and those gents can hardly hit the ground, they do a little fire work on their respective bases, but very little for the rest, only as a needed basis, cdf, usfs, and the military don't get along with each other so very little of the others equipment will be on a specific fire unless it has to be.