My nephew came down duck hunting this morning and brought along a couple of the old Alexander Botts books that my brother had collected up when my mother passed away. My brother died in 2000-------and no one knew where these great books had gotten off to. My sister in law called a couple of weeks ago and had run across them-------------getting these old books back is just like having an old friend stop by for a visit.
I had grown up reading and re-reading the stories about the great "Earthworm" tractors. Ironically----------I did not remember that ol' Botts got hired on with the Earthworm Tractor Company while in Memphis, Tennesee-----------and his first assignment wuz down at Cypress City, Mississippi.
Must be more than "happen chance" that so many of my life experiences seems to run parallel with Alexander Botts great stories. (if I had only remembered that Botts got his start in Cypress City, Mississippi------I would have been able to make better sense out of some of my experiences) 🙄 😄
For those of you who don't know about Alexander Botts-----by his modest account, he wuz "the greatest tractor salesman of all time", working for the greatest tractor manufacturer in the world----th Earthworm Tractor Company, Earthworm City, Illinois (don't know-----but, I just always figured that Earthworm City wuz somewhere close to Peoria, Illinois??). Botts seemingly always fell into a barrell of manure----------but always seemingly found the postive side of the situation (most probably coming out of a bad situation by selling highly profitable fertilizer). 😉😄
These stories started out in the Saturday Evening Post-------and were later turned into book form. My oldest book was printed in 1946-----its stamped "Stribling Bros. Machinery Co., Greenwood, Mississippi", who was the Caterpillar dealer at that time. Great reading-------lots of laughing on each page.
Delta Dirt

Delta Dirt
Avon, Ms 38723
D2 5U and other scrap iron