Hi, Dave.
I yain't seen one like that before that I can recall. Suggest you go to Classic Dozers - https://classicdozers.wordpress.com/ - and look under B;ade Manufacturers.
There will likely be a pop-up about the domain name when you first open the site. Click on 'Dismiss' up in the top right corner of that window and it will vanish.
Hope this helps.
B-E = bucyrus erie or wood
After playing with the contrast and staring at the lettering on the lift arm I am getting more convinced it starts with "GA" and ends with "OD". I can't make out the middle. It looks like there are some smaller letters over the top of the bigger ones. Did Gar Wood make blades like that around that time?
Hi, Dave.
Gar Wood was one VERY busy boy. He did LOTZA things around that time as well as a before and after. If you have foundthat much, it would be a pretty safe bet that it was a Gar Wood blade.
Just my 0.02