It sounds very much like an oil cooler problem so maybe if you have a good radiator shop near by to have them test it, I,d try that first.The coolant could leak in the oil when it setting so should be no mystery there.
I have been messing around with the oil cooler. I put it in 140 degree water and have a few bubbles every 2-3 seconds. The water is now at 116 and the bubbles have almost stopped. I have 80 lbs air pressure going into the oil side of the cooler. I am assuming this may get worse at higher temperatures and am looking into an aftermarket oil cooler. Does anyone know where to buy used cat parts?
You could give Cleveland Bros. a call as this # is a Cat used parts store. (814) 342-4210
If you ahve reached 80PSI and 116deg and the 'leak' has stopped, I don't reckon there is much wrong with the oil cooler, there first thing I would check is for a water pump seal leak, is the tell-tale hole blocked?
This is the old style belt drive water pump....not likely your getting cross contamination there.
It sounds like a distinct possibility that there's a head gasket leak. Has the engine been hot recently? .. or has the head been off in recent times? There's always the possibility of a leaking seal or damaged ferrule between the head and block.
The machine supposedly was never overheated but I cannot guarantee it. Looks like I will have to pull the head and look at the gasket.
No points for that, yes it's a D333B, a 40+ year old engine with many places to leak, I would be looking at the head gasket as well.
The D333's and D330's are notorious for overheating and cracking heads and leaking.