We have a D333 turbocharged engine with a pto and clutch on it. It has a military tag on it though I didn't actually buy it from the government, so no idea what it was used for.
It has a remote mounted filter base fed with hoses that mounts two canister type filters. As I remember it didn't have the standard CAT filter (1161 NAPA equivalent), but I determined that they fit in there and that's what I have been using ever since.
Could get some pictures if you want. As I remember, the whole thing had been repainted and if there were ever numbers on the filter canisters, they were long gone. I should have tried to match up the filters that came out, but I didn't once I found the other filters fit in.
This is a navy unit and has 2 filters, side by side, remote mounted with 3/4 lines running to it...WA7OPY
Are the filters canister type? I show various industrial/marine D333a engines with 5S0484 or 7M3800 elements which all interchange with the Cat 1R0659 or 9F6700 and all are equivalent to the 1161 number. No telling about Government stuff though.