Reply to 8C 361:
Kind of a sloppy old trick I learned on the forums years ago. Cut about 4" off an old spingtooth and weld it on to create new point. I have done this many times and it has worked well for me.
Nice ripper Mr. Skinner, and an equally nice crumbler to go behind it. Your D8 probably runs away with that unit. A long time ago, I met a guy that drove a D8 with a mounted ripper for a farmer friend of mine. His did not have a stereo; said he about went insane driving it 4 months. We had another buddy here that drove the same D7F since it was new, open ROPS; it was his machine to operate and nobody else. One day he "lost it" and they found him in the middle of the field on his knees sobbing and praying. Poor guy had to be put away for some time. Just goes to tell you, that doing the same routine too much can make one go off the deep end! Hope the grandson or whoever was driving could keep himself amused, as it can be somewhat slow and boring.
Deas: There used to be several old school blacksmith/machine shops nearby that specialized in plowshares, etc. As 17AFarmer said, the replacement parts cost more than what the plow is worth. Perhaps the reason why so many get used up and parked. I might experiment and re-purpose some used grader blade edges and extend the shares on a bottom or two. If I had to use plows regularly, I would do things properly, instead of a patch job. Plows don't get used around here much by anyone. I made a mess using the CASE 600 disk plow at my mother's downtown farm, and some criticized my lack of talent. They now noticed that there is hardly any "Johnson grass" anymore. That thing flipped up that nasty weed and exposed the roots, where they dried up and died. (A CASE 800 is a whopper; see them pulled with D7s and D8s still)
Neil should be glad he doesn't own a Marvin 10 bottom plow! Talk about a pain to move! See them offered for sale via auctions here, same deal; hardly anyone uses plows and its so massive to work with.
8C 361: I usually break the tip before wearing one out. If I am lucky, I can reverse it and get some miles out of what is left. JM