Reply to d9gdon:
People watch sports as a diversion from their own problems, not to be burdened by others.
I think it's high time that an Executive Order was written that forbids public funds from financing these massive stadiums. The NFL was tax free up until 2015! Let the NFL finance them.
The NFL and ESPN will suffer, especially when the advertisers get an earful from fans...and others like Glenn follow suit by dropping them like a hot rock.
I hope that the Dallas Cowboys will set an example tonight, but I have my doubts.
[quote="d9gdon"]People watch sports as a diversion from their own problems, not to be burdened by others.
I think it's high time that an Executive Order was written that forbids public funds from financing these massive stadiums. The NFL was tax free up until 2015! Let the NFL finance them.
The NFL and ESPN will suffer, especially when the advertisers get an earful from fans...and others like Glenn follow suit by dropping them like a hot rock.
I hope that the Dallas Cowboys will set an example tonight, but I have my doubts.[/quote]
Jerry Jones, Owner of the Dallas Cowboys has publicly stated that Dallas is America's team and if any of his players to not stand and respect the flag they are done. Lets see what happens!
My personal opinion is that when they are on the field they are on the job. No different than a employee of any one of us, when they are on the job they do not have a right to act in any way that is detrimental to the company. Of any group of people, professional sports is the one prominent area where there is not discrimination against any minority. Why anyone wants to use that venue to protest is beyond me. Why bite the hand that has treated you the best. Beyond that, I do not spend a nickel on any professional sports other than what the government has stolen from me to support them.