Thanks for your post SR4440! Please keep us updated, I know you are a bit east but reports I have, put you in harms way as well.
Many of our neighbors, family and friends severely impacted!
The losses suffered by many are a tragic reminder of how fragile we are in the face of FIRE.
Thanks for your thoughts John.
No danger here.
Several friends have had to evacuate and the guy that works for me is headed up her to spend the night here. He's been ordered to evacuate.
The fire has split one side going to the north side of town and the other to the west and south.
I have heard it is generating it's own wind strong enough to flip over cars.
I'll have you know, I is not dead. catskinner
Glad you are alive and well catskinner -
Wish you had read the topic and understood what SR4440 was stating - He started this thread as CARR FIRE - OT
California has many big fires- Carr Fire in Redding Ca has claimed the life of a "catskinner" fighting this fire. Another "catskinner" was lost in the Furguson Fire near Yosemite NP. These brave souls were operating in the worst terrain and conditions imaginable. Carr Fire is on edges of the largest city in north end of Sacramento Valley.
My condolences to all those that have lost everything and especially to the family's of those "catskinners" and Firefighters!
It seems to be a bad year for dozer operators fighting fire this year here in California.
You can never be to careful in the conditions and places they operate in.
All of us in the west could become a victim of fire.There have been 2 fires near my place and both of them had good outcomes of less than 50 acres. Cal Fire has been doing a good job considering the amount of fuel there is out there to burn.
Condolences to the families of the 2 catskinners lost,as well as prayers for all the firefighters safety.
It's a mess for sure, I knew the dozer man killed in the Furgison fire near Yosemite, feel terrible for his young family, wife and kids 3 and 5. Apparently he had worked a fire break down into a canyon and was on his way out when he got on some rocks and slid off and rolled many times to the bottom, it took a couple days to retrieve his body. Dangerous work for sure.