2010 DIESEL should not be considered a "using" tractor. It was one of JD's first efforts at a small vertical cylinder diesel engine and used a sleeve/spacer plate design that was properly abandoned and has never been seen since in any of their engines! Typical problems were coolant in oil, blown gaskets etc.
We had a propane powered wheel 2010 and although it was not mourned when it left the farm, it never had the engine problems the diesels were noted for! It's worst failings were in the tractor. Steering was very definitely the Arm-strong type and there was a certain way you could engage the pto lever and shear a roll pin inside the transmission so that the pto would spin but not pull any torque. There was a definite "don't do this" cause of that problem that once we had fixed it a couple times, we learned to avoid that problem. Some years back, one of our employees was considering buying one off a guy and we told him to check the pto clutch by levering against the spinning shaft with a 2x4 before he paid for it. Sure enough he stopped the shaft easily and abandoned that purchase. I can't remember what to avoid while engaging the pto clutch.......just been too long, and I was a kid at the time.
Honesty is rare and positive quality in a man these days thanks. We spent the last two days reading about them while we trailered my sons Jeep to camp Lejeune. As soon as we got back to town we started it and were disappointed to see the factory oil pressure gauge read so low. We hooked up a gauge and luckily it read in the forty’s cold. Maybe he’ll get lucky and have some fun with it. Thanks