Al, I had 7.75 inches of rain and lots of high wind in the 24 hour period that ended at sun up this morning. Lots of trees down but no significant impact here.
Tom Madden
Hi Al, Central Coast of Ca is OK. 5 inches, high winds, no real damage, about like Tom. We need the rain, let'r come. Don
It was terrible!!!!!my internet and power was down for most of the day😞 😞
Wind blew like hell but it didn't blow as hard as the media🙄 🙄
Yes, got some rain......did loose the over ripe fabric on one of those cheapo car
tent covers. No big deal.
Old magnet fire up your cat gen.😛
Here in Northwest Washington, with 120 inches of snow on the ground at the Mt. Baker ski lodge, there are plenty of avalanches with 9 people loosing their lives so far in the Cascade Mountains this winter season. Last night's victim was a 13 year old girl and they are still looking for her body at Verlot. Yesterday, the winds took out many trees with winds blowing well over 50 mph. The wind sounded like a freight train rolling through our back yard. We didn't loose power though. The snow that has been on the ground in our back yard for the last two weeks has finally disappeared yesterday. It has been a very wet winter so far with rain almost everyday. It makes us appreciate the sunshine when we see it. I am getting a lot of shop time in during this lousy weather. I am eager to fire up the D4 and make a little mud as soon as the weather breaks.
Hi Al,
We're tucked away in a corner of the Cascades, far enough from the coast that we didn't get the storm, just quite a bit of rain. The rivers around Hood River County are down in deep canyons so flooding wasn't much of a problem either.
I drove the length of the Willamette Valley this weekend, saw no obvious damage there either such as roofs laying in fields, etc. so I don't think they suffered much as far as I could tell.
The Oregon coast got hit pretty hard, recorded gusts to 130 mph. Friends have told me of trees down everywhere, roads blocked, power out.
I have the great good fortune to be in one of the most sheltered areas in the country. Those that caught the storm, I sincerely hope you didn't sustain serious damages from it and get it cleaned up OK.
How's JDNut doing? Havn't heard from him here. He's right down onthe water, Camano Island.
Here in the hills of Eastern Oregon we don't get the winds like those that blew the semi's over on Cabbage Hill but we are getting a pile of snow. I plow the streets of this little town with a POS Austin Western Super 301 and it won't pile any higher. Time to fire up the D4 and push the berms back to make room for more.
Sure makes for good snowmobiling tho'. . .
While we are not in the coastal area of California the storm did affect us and we are still without power and phone.
Power has been out for the last 3 or so days running on a generator off and on.
Have been looking into getting larger generator so We can wash clothes and run the well pump at the same time as the well pump draws about 6000 watts to start up and the drier most likely close to the same.
Drawing beyond the Maximum power that your generator is made to supply can result in bad things happening.
PG&E states that power may not be restored for more than a week.
So it may be a bumpy ride for those in rural areas like us.
Wow Guys,
Sorry to hear so many are affected. I know it is hard to do without the energy source we all take for granted. I keep a Miller Bobcat 8KW unit here at home fueled and have a few small gensets. But the limit would be about a day's worth of fuel I keep on hand. Stuff goes bad so fast these days.
Take Care and stay warm.