Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
Cool videos. That was from a different era!!
Any ACMOC members in Tasmania?
Thanks for posting
Hi, Biggastractor.
Yep! there are one or two from Tasmania. Yer kin pick'em by the 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot - (If they ain't wearin' boots to hide the fact - unlikely 'cos they can't tie laces and elastic sided slip-ons are too much like hard work. LOL.) (Oh! There you are, Inter674. I didn't see you lurking over there in the bushes. LOL.)
Yes. those videos are from a bygone era. I sometimes wonder how the 'operators' of the current generation would get on doing a day - or a week - on some of those machines. LOL
Just my 0.02.
That's chicken crap compared to what our Jungle Clearing Teams put up with in Nam! Those were operators!!
Hmmmmmmm ?????????????????????
Those 24s may still be around- Ashcat might be able to confirm if they were Shaws machines.
The Ag Bank also purchased Cats and sent them to various clearing tasks including on the islands off Tas.
The 24s were tough machines. I saw one that had worked on Flinders Island for decades. It was smashed up real bad, but still going!
Ps the red soil they were after is considered to be about as good as it can get, anywhere in the World. Pity it is limited to the NW in the main.
hello , a story goes that the local caterpillar agent from Melbourne went over to the island and sold them some new cats .they traded in there old rubber tired tractors and when cat hired a barge to get the cats to the island and pick up the tractors ,the locals had cut up the tractor because nothing ever leaves the island unless it was for scrape iron , so cat lost the price of the trade ins ,:frusty:,bruce oz
I'll grant you that these blokes in Tasmania weren't being shot at. Other than that, since you are NOT familiar with the country in which these videos were shot, just HOW can you make that judgement?
Also, there were quite a few DowNunder boys involved in the clearing in Vietnam too. I take my hat off to ALL those from ALL of the allied countries who were involved in that conflict - REGARDLESS of country of origin.
Just my 0.02.
Deas, you are just jealous, or maybe a tassie boy was faster than you and he only gave you 5 dollars change and not the 6 that you counted!