Reply to ccjersey:
Hey Willie, Join him up!
I think there are lots of us here on the board that are interested in graders, and I remember some threads on the old graders that might be of interest to him. Anyway, the best way to tap into the knowledge base here is to join and post.
Here's one thread I picked out from a search
Just so you know Mark, there are 336 threads that come up when you search for grader, so that hardly counts as graders being ignored in my book.
Hi Team,
we try and help where possible. Sorry, I thought he was looking for someone to go around and guide him along.
He was looking for books--cannot help much without Serial Numbers of unit and engine. I have a list of the few books, but is complicated and long--but the old Ebay may get something IF S/No's are to hand.
There is a general Servicemen's Reference Book for Caterpillar Diesel Engines, Form No 5060 ( the one I have is Edition B, dated 12-47) these are fairly scarce.
Also SRB for No11 Auto Patrol is Form No P1149.
I have the following Parts Book Form No's for the No11 Auto Patrol, Serial No 6K1-up, Form No 8062 or 4517 for S/No 6K1-1261, and one for the No 11 D6600 Power Unit which is Form No 3290. There maybe others due to upgrades.
A D6600 Power Unit Operators Instruction Book Form No for engines 5E9501-5E9667--3012. and 5E9668-up--3480
Depending on Serial No's of unit and Diesel Power Unit fitted an Operators Instruction Book is listed--Form No's 4030 or 5055--most likely difference is fuel injection pump upgrade????
On the 3 cyl engines you need to remove the pony to get the water pump off !!!!!!!!!
When I purchased my non-running RD6 the pony was locked up. I pulled my pony off in the paddock so I could take it home to overhaul it so as to start the main to get the machine to a place to load it on a float.
From memory I just hooked chains onto what ever bolts looked like would give me a square lift near the correct centre of gravity--used chain block from canopy strut to lift from.
Post has gone twitchy so will sign off before it is lost.
Eddie B.