Hello all, and thank you in advance for any help and guidance. I recently acquired a 1930 Caterpillar model Ten (#3594) and am slowly getting into it. It was in the same family since purchased new in 1929 and I promised them that I would make it run again and share it's history with the others. Right now I have fuel, air, and spark, but very low cylinder compression. I had the same issues on an Oliver HG 42, but some motor honey on top of the pistons generally creates enough compression to make it run long enough to get the rings broke loose. What I'd like to know about is the seat dimensions. I have the wooden frames for the back and sides, as well as the box springs for the seat, but I don't know how thick each piece should be. The seat remnants I found suggest that they were black leather, secured with tacks. I'd appreciate any help with dimensions or pictures of how to rebuild the seat properly. I'd also appreciate any guidance on other problems to look for. I know the crawler sat in a hay shed for a lot of years and inside cold storage for probably the last ten years. It hasn't run in probably 30 years, but very surprisingly, it is very complete and in pretty good shape for its age.